SilinderHidrolikS150-150 150 TonSun Runadalah alat yang hebat untuk meningkatkan kinerjateknis dan efisiensiproduksi.Hydrauliccylinderini dirancang dengan daya tahan tinggi danberbagai fitur kontrol yang membuatnya ideal untuk penggunaan di lingkungan kerja yang berbeda. Silinderhidrolikini juga dapat dioperasikan dengan mudah dansangat stabil, membuatnya sempurna bagi aplikasiindustrimodern.
Silinder Hidrolik S150-150 150 Ton Sun Run
Model Number : S150-150 Sun Run
Cylinder Capacity : 150ton (1407kN)
Stroke : 150.0mm
Effective Area : 200.96cm²
Oil Capacity : 3014.4cm³
Collapsed Height : 300.0mm
Extended Height : 450.0mm
Outside Diam. : 215.0mm
Cylinder Bore Diam. : 160.0mm
Plunger Diam. : 115.0mm
Base to Adv. Port : 50.0mm
Saddle Diam. : 99mm
Single-Acting, Cylinders General
- Designed for use in all positions.
- Hard chrome plated plunger and inner of barrel resists wear and corrosion, it also be more closed and extending cylinder life.
- Maximum sized springs speed piston return and increase spring life.
- Special soft ring reduces wear caused by off-center loads.
- Plunger wiper reduces contaminant.
- Stop ring for piston blow-out protection.
- Powder coat finish for increased corrosion resistance and antirust.
- All cylinders are equipped with SQB-3/8UF female coupler & dust cap.
More information
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